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Input image

The image must be a geotiff (.tif, .tiff).

The filters

Closing filter

Closing filter performs a max then a min filter. Here you can see the differences depending on the window size :

original size 5 size 11
Original Size 5 Size 11

Median filter

Median filter is used to remove noise and it perserves edges.
Here you can see the differences after using the closing filter with the same window size as the median filter :

original size 5 size 11
Original Size 5 Size 11

Median filter iteration

Median filter iteration : you can specify how many times you want the script to perform the median filter. For exempla you may want the script to do 5 times the median filter to remove more noise. Here are an example :

1 iteration 5 iterations
1 iteration 5 iterations

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